Sunday, May 6, 2012

The (Super) Flower Moon.

Last night was the full moon. In May we call it the Flower Moon.
Lovey and I went out at about 9:30 to sit under the moon, and talk. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful night. The Lilacs are finally starting the bloom, so the yard was filled with their sweet smell. The rain had cleared a day early, so it was cool outside, but not so cold that we wouldn't be able to stand it.

Its nights like those that I wish I had an outdoor altar set up. Sometimes I contemplate doing it, but fear it would raise to many questions. I can't wait until I can come out. What a joyous day that will be, when I no longer have to carefully craft my answers to simple questions like "Where are you going? Its a Tuesday night." The honest answer was that I was headed to a Beltane ritual. The answer I gave "Just, out. Probably to grab some dinner." What a ridiculous answer.

Don't get me wrong I am an adult. I can do what I choose. I can believe what I choose. I just choose to stay on the DL until after my wedding next May. But what a wonderful day it will be, when I finally Choose to be honest about my life.

Back on topic : 

Spring as a whole is focused on fertility, and new life. The Flower Moon, also known as the Hare Moon, is a good time to focus on career growth. Finally going to sign up for those collage courses you've been putting off for year now? Want to attempt something new? Trying for that big promotion in the office?  Now is the perfect time to do it. Try taking some of the seedlings you have started inside (personally, I would do this with the strongest ones I have growing) and transplant them outdoors. As they grow, ask them to assist in your career growth. Tend to them daily, watch them. Picture yourself growing, as they grow. Talk to them, give them words of encouragement. After all, they are in a delicate state too. Just as you depend on your job, they depend on you.
You could also sit under the moon, and meditate on where you envision your life headed. Where do you want to be in your job a month from now? What about a year from now? Ask the moon to guide you. Soak up her beams, build off of the energy she lends to you.

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