Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Un-named Goddess.

So I have mentioned before, that I worship a Goddess.
I also have my God, but I am not as strongly connected to him as I am with her.
Now I may or may NOT have mentioned before, that I really don't have a name. I just don't know what it is! I know its a her, its my gut feeling, and I know she is somehow attached to the earth, as I feel her presence strongest when I am outside, attuning to my natural surroundings.

I try to search the internet, and see who fits this description, but I'm always at a loss. There are many who do, but nothing has seemed to click with me yet. And the last thing I want to do is to start calling her by someone elses name. That seems rude. 

I really need to do some meditating on this, as it does bother me to not have a name.
Perhaps tonight I will sit under the stars and ask for some guidance in this.

Any thoughts? 
Am I the only one with this problem?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Herbs A-Z : Chamomile


AKA: Ground Apple, Whig Plant, Maythen
Element : Water
Gender: Masculine

Mundane Uses:
Chamomile appears to contains chemicals that help promote relaxation and reduce inflamation, though researchers have yet to identify which chemical this is. It is often times used for common aches and pains such as menstral cramping, colic, and fibromyalgia.
It is also widely known for its aid in digestive complaints such as intestinal gas, nervous diarrhea, stomach ulcers and travel sickness.
Placing cool teabags on your skin or taking a bath filled with water and chamomile oil may assist in soothing skin disorders such as exzema, burns, and rashes.
Perhaps the most popular use of chamomile is for headaches, and sleep deprivation. It calms the nerves and reduces anxiety.

Magical Uses:
Magically, Chamomile is an herb commonly used for purification, and protection. To protect your home from phsychic or magical attacks sprinkle chamomile in the corners of you home.
It is also widely known as a calming aid, and can be used in an insence to assist in peaceful sleep and meditation.
Chamomile is also used for good luck. Gamblers have been known to wash their hands in chamomile tea before heading to the tables.

Random Facts:
Chamomile has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years.

 I have no medical degrees, and am not a doctor. Consult a physician before ingesting somthing new that you are unfamiliar with. These are my personal findings only. I do not reccommend using them until you have consulted your physician.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Beliefs.

One of the women in a forum I frequent asked us all if we would be willing to talk a little bit about our faiths. She is a former Christian, and recently joined a Christian Forum to face some of what she had left behind. So I thought I would share mine. Keep in mind though, my beliefs are very personal to myself, and I don;t want to hear anyone criticize me. I won't tolerate it.

Without further ado, here it is:

        My path can be difficult to understand, and it raises eyebrows from both christian and pagan communities. I make no excuses, nor am I ashamed, for these beliefs are my own. I believe in God, and Jesus Christ. I have since I was a child. I was brought up going to all sorts of churches, be it baptist, or protestant, I even (briefly) attended the church of ladder day saints as a child. I love them, worship them, and give praise and thanks often. However, I also believe in my Goddess, the mother of both heaven and earth. Some believe she was God's wife. I also give praise to her. I worship her, and talk with her. To be honest I feel much more connected to my Goddess, and this is the reason I find it hard to attend a traditional christian church.
        I believe in a forgiving God. I don't think he is as hateful and judgmental as some christian's make him out to be. I'm not sure if I believe in hell either. I'm pretty sure though, if hell does exist, that it's not eternal. I don't believe God would damn an individual to an eternity of torture. I think hell is more the absence of heaven than a  fiery pit. Who can say for sure? I know that the Bible was written by man, and therefore, contains man made errors, and man made influences. It is also centuries old, and quite often is mistranslated, to suit the beliefs of current individuals, and their politics. I take it as a guide, not as my only source of insight.
        For those who are wondering, I celebrate the 8 Sabbaths, as well as the christian holidays, and give praise and worship to the respected individual. My Goddess gets the Sabbaths, and God would receive Christmas, and Easter, and so on. I also celebrate the sun and the moon, and can oftentimes be found outside once a month standing under the full moon, performing a tiny ritual, basking in the glow, and soaking up its energy for the month ahead.
        I have an altar set up in my home. On it are candles that represent the four elements, as well as a candle to represent God, and my Goddess, and then I have two that sit upon a stone that represent whichever season we are currently in. It also holds my sage, my tarot cards, my crystal, and a small cross to represent Jesus. I don't typically do traditional offerings on my altar, I find it more of a quiet meditating sort of space. I stand in front of it and light my candles for added peace and positive energy. I also perform the occasional spell work (though rarely).
        I would be classified as a Green Witch. I base my path off of the world around us, I believe everything has a soul, even the dandelions growing in the front yard. My offerings consist of giving back in the form of a compost pile outside. I do my best to keep my carbon footprint at a minimum, and I try to take a few minutes each day to celebrate the earth around us. I would rather heal myself with herbs than pills. I think everyone has a right to worship in their own way, and this is the way I choose.

I could go on for a couple more pages, but I will stop it here. Feel free to contact me with any questions. I am very much an open book.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day!
And my Spirit is so full of contentment.

My day started out with a walk along one of our trails in town with Loveyy. We took the dog, and picked up trash along the way. We collected two grocery bags full! And we only walked about a mile up the trail! It was a lot, but I felt much better for cleaning it up. Most of the trash was paper towels... hmm... The only thing I can figure is that they are used by runners who frequent the trails.

After our walk my mom and I turned over the soil in one of our gardens, it was tough! And picked out all of the rocks from the soil. I am so happy because the soil is so rick this year, I am sure our plants are going to grow like crazy. Then we planted some yucky squash.

After that was done mom and I collected 8 different plastic bottles from around the house, cut them in half, threw some small rocks in the bottom, and put some soil in them and planted 8 new herb plants. God knows I love my herbs! The soil came from underneath the kids swing set, it is so rich from all of the ash I have been throwing in it this season.  Then we watered the plants, and taped their lids back on!

We already have a ton of stuff growing that we started weeks ago. But we want to have atleast three of each herb, so that we will be able to use it fresh throughout the year.

Where Earth Day Come From:

You can read about the earth day movement and its origins here or here

Wait a minute wait a minute, earth day isn't pagan. Well, No, but we have to keep an open mind with things like this. Patti Wigington at does an excellent job explaining pagans and their ties to earth day.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

10 days 'till beltane!

Beltane is just around the corner now. I am so excited.
This year we are going to go to a gathering a few towns over. The group is an earth centered spirituality group, which I think will blend together really well with my beliefs. Its based out of a Universalists Church, which I love. I used to attend one when I was younger, the amount of open love and acceptance you see there is amazing. Something I have rarely found attending Baptist Churches growing up.

So for those of you who aren't familiar Beltane is almost always a festival focused on fertility. Its the time when our mother goddess opens up and grants us with stong crops, healthy livestock, and maybe even a couple of beautiful babies being concieved ;) The festival goes back centuries, and lots off different goddesses and gods are given tribute on this night. Including Artemis, Bes, Baccus, Flora, Pan, Hera, and the list goes on.

The gather we are going to is going to have two large maypoles! I am stoked because I have never participated in a maypole dance before, though I have always wanted too.

I am also freaking out, because this will be my first pagan-centered event ever. I'm very private in my beliefs, and so this is a big deal to me.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Herbs A-Z : Basil


Photo Credit.

AKA: St. Joseph's Wart, American Dittany, Witches Herb,
Planet: Mars
Gender: Masculine
Element : Fire

Mundane properties:

Basil is a great addition to most dishes! I personally use a pinch in almost everything I make.

Basil is used as a natural anti-infammatory.

It can also be used as a tonic to help aid in digestion. To do this simply make a tea out of it by steeping it in hot water. This can also be used to help with stomach cramps, vomiting, constipation, headaches, and anxiety. Although typically used in a tea basil can also be dried, then ground up and put into smaller capsuls. This way they can easily be used when you are out and about running errands or at work.

Mouth infections have known to clear up by simply chewing basil leaves twice daily.

It can be used with Insect Bites: A teaspoon of basil leaf juice taken every few hours prevents bugs from biting. However, in the event of a bug bite rub the bites with juice and this will relieve the itching and reduce swelling.

Random Interesting Information:
Originally from asia and middle east, Basil has been grown and used for over 5,000 years.

In certain countries many men will not eat basil, because it is often made into tea's that provide pain relief to women during menstration they believe it is something that real men shouldn't take.

Magical Properties :

In some Mediterannian countries Basil is sprinkled on the floors of homes to purify it. In the same way if sprinkled in each corner and room of the home it can also aid in the protection of a home.

It is believed that when moving to a new home a gift of a new potted basil plant will guarentee your good fourtune.

It is thought that basil can be used for attracting money. Sprinkle some in your wallet to attract wealth, tying basil with sage for luck wouldn't be a bad idea either. Gamblers have been known to keep basil and sage in their pockets when they head for the tables.

Basil is used both love magic, and love divination.
It can help to guarentee fidelity. To keep your partner faithful try sprinkling some basil in the bed near where the heart would lay. This will keep them true to you.
It is also said to be able to detect infidelity. To do this place a basil leaf in your partners hand, if it wilts right away, your partner has probably been stepping out.
In regards to divination – it is said that if you take two basil leaves, place them on a live coal. If the crackle and hiss your relationship will probably have some issues. However, if they burn to ash quickly, this is an indicator that your relationship will be harmonious and long lived.

When drawing a bath try adding some basil to aid in lifting of your spirit and soothing your soul. Try mixing it with lavender or lemon for a truly relaxing and replenishing of the mind and soul.


I have been told not to use basil for medicinal or aromatherapy uses if you are pregnant, it can bring on menstration cycles.

Do not give infusions of basil to children under ten as it can exceed a childs metabolism and mouthwashes can burn a childs mouth.

 I have no medical degrees, and am not a doctor. Consult a physician before ingesting somthing new that you are unfamiliar with. These are my personal findings only. I do not reccommend using them until you have consulted your physician.



Sunday, April 8, 2012

Full Moon

Two Nights ago it was the full moon.

April is known as the Wind Moon (or the seed moon) it is a time of conception, fertility, and growth. A time to move forward with your life and plans

My lovey and I and a few other family members sat outside by the fire and enjoyed the sight.

I had a ritual I wanted to do, but I was exhausted and was never left alone with Lovey long enough to do it. So we didn't.

It was still a beautiful night though, and I said a silent prayer in my head while soaking up the moons rays.
You may have missed the full moon, but if you have a minute, take some time and go stand outside, soak up the rays and think about what you want for the coming year.