Saturday, July 14, 2012

Herbs A-Z : GINGER


AKA: Ginger root, African Ginger,
Planet : Mars
Gender : Masculine
Element : Fire

Mundane Uses : Ginger is a widely popular herb. It's uses are so diverse that I believe everyone should keep some on hand at all times.

Digestive wise, ginger helps protect and heal the gut. It is often used as a digestive aid. It increases an individuals saliva and stomach secretion production, which helps ease digestion without causing further discomfort. It is also used for relieving naseau.

Ginger helps in destroying the host of a virus. It also causes a person to sweat when ingested, which in turn, protects the skin from infection. Sweating is also helpful if you come down with a cold or flu, which is where to phrase “sweat it our came from”. The tea itself, also eases the symptoms associated with colds.

Although it has yet to be confirmed, researchers have found that ginger shows hope for being a possible anticancer agent. DRINK UP!

It helps relieve heartburn

Ginger has anti inflammatory agents in it, which assists with those suffering from arthritis or other conditions causing joint pain.

And if all of that wasn't good enough, ginger stands alone as an awesome tea, and a perfect additon to many dinner and dessert recipes!

Magical Uses: Magically Ginger is used in spells and working for the following : success, power, love, money, and healing.

To attract money and wealth to you or you, you can try planting whole ginger roots in the ground. These can often be found in your local health food store, or grocery store. Some have also been known to sprinkle dried ginger in their pockets, to attract money to them throughout the day.

If trying to obtain a job, you could perhaps make a sachet that included ginger in it for both money and success. Basil and Alfalfa would also be good to add in, as they both pertain properties related to good fourtune, and money matters. Also a bit of sage for luck wouldn't hurt!

It has been thought that consuming ginger before attempting spell work will add power to your workings. Especially in regards to love magic. I would suggest perhaps, making it apart of your regual magical ritual, try drinking a cup of ginger tea while preparing and centering yourself to begin.

It is told, that long ago, people would chew up ginger and then spit it out at the base of an illness. While I find that thought... disturbing, to say the least, using ginger in healing magic is not a bad idea. Obviously, just drinking the tea will aid with certain illnesses. You might also want to try sprinkling dried ginger underneath the sheets or matress of someone who is ill, to encourage speedy recovery.

Random Information :
Native to southeast asia, but can be found on almost every continent.
Dates back over 4,000 years, and has been used medicinally for the past 2,000.
