Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Magickal Cleaning.

Start the New Year Clean -

In many traditions it is important to start their years with a clean home.

Depending on how thourough you are you may see this as a general wipe down, or a hands and knees scrubbing the floor time.

It is important though, when cleaning your home to leave the windows open. That way the built up energies you are stirring have a place to go, and can leave your home.

Sweeping and mopping the floors - this is a must in most houses.
Sweeping stirs stagnant energies, and gets them moving. Start in the back of your home and sweep towards the front. This way you can rid the house of the negative energies, by sending them out the front door.

When moping, I like to create floor washes, to give a little added oomph to my house cleaning. You can try a Rose Water wash, which will help promote feelings of love and agreement in your home. I also enjoy a crabapple wash. Crabapple is great for cleaning extra dirty messes. So after a fight or during a time of stress I will add a few drops to my wash, to help rid the house of the negative vibes that are floating around.

Vinegar - This fellow gets special mention because it is dear to my heart. I have used vinegar for years and years, it predates my magickal side. It is wonderful for everything mundane! But also it is great magickally. It sends away negative unwanted energies. It is also used to protect the home from invaders. I always keep a bottle of diluted vinegar on hand, it works wonders for keeping the animal smell out of your rugs!

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