Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Herbs A-Z : Fennel


AKA: Fennel Seed,
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
Gender: Masculine

Fennel! What an awesome plant, everything on this bad boy - seeds, leaves, and root are edible. It is for that exact reason that I think everyone ought to have this growing in their garden! I have one growing outside right this minute. And what an awesome surprise to find out today that it is a perennial! (Always a bonus!)

Mundane Uses:

Fennel has been used for centuries as an appetite depressant. Because of this it may be good to try to add to your diet when attempting weight loss.

It can be used for digestive problems such as intestinal gas, bloating, and heartburn.

Fennel can be handy for women to keep around. It has been used for increasing the flow of breast milk, and can also be made into a paste to reduce swelling during breast feeding. It is used for promoting menstruation, and increasing a womans libido. Every ladies dream herb, right? 

And it just gets better, Fennel is full of iron, so for those that suffer from anemia, it may be a good idea to add this to your diet. The leaves make a great addition to any salad! And the seeds can be easily added to most meals.

Magical Uses:
Fennel is an awesome herbs to keep around an magical household. It is often used for protection. Grow it around your house, or hang by the windows and doors to ward off evil spirits. Similarly, for a less obvious method, you could try washing your window sills and doors with a soap, fennel, and salt mixture. Fennel also makes a great addition to any purification ritual.

This herb promotes confidence and courage. Before battle Greek soldiers would often chew the seeds. Farmers have also been known to wash their tractor blades with a mixture soap and fennel to encourage the land and promote a strong crop. For a more modern use you could try keeping it on you, or adding it to a meal, before a big test or event you need a little boost of confidence in!

Random Information:
Fennel dates back to nearly 500 BC and its name comes from the Greek word "marathon" because the Battle of Marathon was fought between the Greeks and the Persians on a field of fennel.” **

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Marigold Tea (part 1 - Theory)

Photo Credit

So this week, we planted several marigolds in the yard. I had heard they were good for keeping bugs at bay. I wanted to know a bit more, so today I did some research and found out that marigolds are also used to make tea.

Marigold tea is supposed to be excellent for cleansing and detoxing the body, as well as helping womens menstrual cycles regulate. This is also the tea to drink after surgery as it can be used as an anti-inflammatory and gives a boost to the immune system.

To make Marigold tea you need to:

-Harvest the flowers that have bloomed.
-Clean them by soaking them in hot water for at least 10 minutes.
-Dry them on a drying rack, or in the microwave. (Personally, I dry most things in the car on a paper bag, during a really hot day)

Once the flowers are dried you can make it like any other tea.

-Put 1 teaspoon of the dried flower per cup of tea.
-Put the tea in a metal tea ball.
-Steep in a cup of boiling hot water.

Magically marigolds are often associated with the fae.  On Beltane, it is said that to spray yourself over the eyes with marigold will give you the ability to see the fae and other magical creatures. For this reason it may be a good tea to drink when attempting to contact the other world, past the veil. Or perhaps you could leave it as an offering in your fairy garden?

It is also associated with prophecy, or clairvoyance so you could also try drinking it before bed, to help promote prophetic dreams. For some added oomph, you could even add a little squeeze of an orange, or lemon or even a dried rose petal.

Now I haven't tried this yet, and so I can't attest to its flavor. I plan to this weekend though. I will let you know in part two!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

New Moon Planting.

Tonight is the new moon!

We planted in the early morning, but I waited until the sun was setting to plant my chamomile seeds. I was so excited to get them into the ground! For Christmas presents this year, (keep in mind most of my friends and family do not celebrate Yule)  we are going to be giving homemade tea.  I am so excited about this, so I am trying to get our patch as big as I possibly can. We have a good batch going already, so we are fairly optimistic!

During the new moon, lunar tides are causing water to pull up, which in turn keeps seeds extra moist, and causes them to swell up nicely. This is the perfect time to begin planting above ground crops. Grain crops, as well as lettuce, broccoli, and cauliflower do exceptionally well during this phase.
The new moon is also a good time to transplant crops. The ground is retaining the moisture, so the water will go straight to those roots, creating less transplant shock. So if you have any seedlings started, now would be the time to put those bad boys in the ground!

I have also read a theory, it stated that if you weed during the new moon, those weeds are guaranteed to never grow back. That is an interesting theory, I wouldn't mind trying myself.

On another note, I have been searching out Hecate lately, and I think tonight I may leave her a nice offering of honey and sage. Hopefully she'll like that. 


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Herbs A-Z : Elder Tree

Elder Tree

AKA: America Elder, Sweet Elder, Common Elder, Elderberry, Lady Elder
Gender: Female
Plantet: Venus
Element: Air

Mundane Uses:
Externally, the leaves and bark of the elder tree are uses for mild burns.
The flowers are used in easeing eye pain, reducing inflamation of the skin, and assisting with curing mouth ulcers.
Flower also reduces fevers and are traditionally used to treat the flu, colds, and upper respiratory tract problems.
The fruits of the elder tree have laxative and diaphoretic properties to them, and can assist in stool softening, and increasing urination.
On a less medicinal note, the berries are used in the making of certain wines.

Magical Uses:
It is thought that standing under the Elder Tree would give you the ability to see the fae. They are also said to love the music made by instruments created by the elder tree.

Wands madefrom elder are used in driving out evil spirits or negative though forms. The tree itself is considered protective. Twigs were often put in pouches, worn around the neck to protect against evil, both physical and phsychic. The leaves were also often bunched together and hung in doorways, and over windowsills, to keep evil away from the house.

It is thought that if you burn an elder tree, you will beome cursed. As the saying goes Nine woods in the Cauldron go,
burn them quick a' burn them slow.
Elder be ye Lady's tree;
burn it not or cursed ye'll be”
Similarly, if you plan on taking a branch to use for wandmaking, it is traditional and courteous to first ask the tree, and perhaps even leave an offering. This can be something simple like some extra water in the heat, raking around the roots, to remove any invasive weeds, or perhaps even adding some rich soil or compost at the feet to promote healthy growth.

People used the leaves of elder tree's to bless both people and places. To bless a place, take the leaves and berries, and scatter them in the four corners of the place being blessed. In the case of a person, scatter the leaves over the individual.

Random Information: Though the flowers are used most often, every part of the elder tree can be used medically in some way.
The leaves and Berries are considered toxic and should not be used internally.

I have no medical degrees, and am not a doctor. Consult a physician before ingesting somthing new, or using as a topical aid that you are unfamiliar with. These are my personal findings only. I do not reccommend using them until you have consulted your physician.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all you Beautiful Mothers out there.

I haven't had the privilege of becoming a mom yet, but someday soon hopefully.

I have two of the most wonderful mothers in the world.
One is my mother. The other is my step-mother.
They have both helped me become the woman I am today, and I am so proud to be called their daughter.
They are both strong women. They seem to carry the world on their shoulders.
They are both (currently) single mothers. (gotta love dad, and his inability to stay committed to a woman other than his little girls). They have a love of the outside, nature, plants, and gardens.
They rather enjoy sipping on something strong in the evenings.
And they both love me. Indefinitely. I know I can count on them for anything.

I love you.

And I will be lighting a candle tonight for our mother Gaia.
She deserves it.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Taking it slowly.

I have been studying and practicing on and off for years now.
Ever since I was a little girl really.

I found, however, that I would stop practicing whenever I would start to feel overwhelmed.
Do you know the feeling I'm talking about? I would start researching the moon, then color magick, herbs, and seasons. I would try to memorize every sabbat, its origins, why we celebrated it. Then I wanted to master tarot, then I would attempt to perform (useless) spells. All at the same time! Basically I wanted to know it all in a week.
Eventually it would begin to become to much. I would crash in a pile of confusion and discouragement. 

This time around has been different. I focus on the now. I have been focused on my garden, and my plants. Only really studying one herb a week. I read about the coming full moon (Not ALL of them at one time), I study the closest sabbat, not all 8! And this has been working! Slowly I have started to retain more. I feel more complete. I feel confident in what I have studied. And I have come to understand that I don't know everything - and that is okay.

There is so much I want to know, so much out there. And I am constantly reminded of how short life is. And I don't know how I will have time to learn it all before the end. Then I take a breath, and realize that its not about rushing through, its about the journey.

I've found my interests turned towards the world of the fae recently. Not sure I believe in them completely, but I would like to learn more about them. So that will probably be my next step.

Am I nuts? I can't be the only who has gone through this.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lilacs and the Waning Moon.

I am so excited. Earlier today my friend gave me permission to feel free to head over to her house and dig up as many of her Lilac bushes as I want. Lilacs are my absolute favorite! I am going to add them to the border of Lilacs that we already have in our yard. Hopefully they will be in full swing by next May for our wedding. I'm going to poke around and see if I can find any other magic treasures in her yard also. Free is good.

Recently I have been reading up more and more about garden witchery. A lot of people have put stock into gardening by the moon phases, so I am going to attempt to do that. It gives your plants a little added oomph to your magical garden. And if you are extra motivated you can also attempt to garden by the moon phase as well as the sign. I am not that motivated. Maybe after I've gotten the hang of phases I will move onto the signs. Luckily, this weekend just happens to be in the waning moon phase. And from what I have read, the waning moon is the perfect time for planting trees and shrubs! (as well as root vegetables) Some people have said that during this phase the water will run straight to the roots, making it easier for them to soak up the goodness, and start thriving. Also, the cooler nights will help ease them into the transition, making them less susceptible to transplant shock.

Other helpful things to do during this phase include weeding your garden (Don't let those pesky things suck the life out of your plant)!! As well as ridding yourself of toxic people or situations in your life. Its also good for reduction, i.e. throw a little extra towards your debt elimination goal this week, or attempt to kick that awful fingernail biting habit.

Love Till Next Time,


Sunday, May 6, 2012

The (Super) Flower Moon.

Last night was the full moon. In May we call it the Flower Moon.
Lovey and I went out at about 9:30 to sit under the moon, and talk. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful night. The Lilacs are finally starting the bloom, so the yard was filled with their sweet smell. The rain had cleared a day early, so it was cool outside, but not so cold that we wouldn't be able to stand it.

Its nights like those that I wish I had an outdoor altar set up. Sometimes I contemplate doing it, but fear it would raise to many questions. I can't wait until I can come out. What a joyous day that will be, when I no longer have to carefully craft my answers to simple questions like "Where are you going? Its a Tuesday night." The honest answer was that I was headed to a Beltane ritual. The answer I gave "Just, out. Probably to grab some dinner." What a ridiculous answer.

Don't get me wrong I am an adult. I can do what I choose. I can believe what I choose. I just choose to stay on the DL until after my wedding next May. But what a wonderful day it will be, when I finally Choose to be honest about my life.

Back on topic : 

Spring as a whole is focused on fertility, and new life. The Flower Moon, also known as the Hare Moon, is a good time to focus on career growth. Finally going to sign up for those collage courses you've been putting off for year now? Want to attempt something new? Trying for that big promotion in the office?  Now is the perfect time to do it. Try taking some of the seedlings you have started inside (personally, I would do this with the strongest ones I have growing) and transplant them outdoors. As they grow, ask them to assist in your career growth. Tend to them daily, watch them. Picture yourself growing, as they grow. Talk to them, give them words of encouragement. After all, they are in a delicate state too. Just as you depend on your job, they depend on you.
You could also sit under the moon, and meditate on where you envision your life headed. Where do you want to be in your job a month from now? What about a year from now? Ask the moon to guide you. Soak up her beams, build off of the energy she lends to you.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Herbs A-Z : Dandelion


AKA: Blow-ball, Cankerwort, Wild Endive
Gender: Male
Element: Air
Planet: Jupiter

Mundane Uses: Dandelion root, is rich in potassium, iron, Sodium, and Calcium. As well as Vitamins A, B, C, and D. When made into a tea, it is commonly used as a digestive aid. It helps calm an upset stomach, and also aids in detoxifying the liver. The leaves act as a diuretic, which increases the amount of urine in an individuals body. 

The juice from dandelion stems can be applied to warts. In 2-3 days, the wart should dry up and fall off. However, juice from the stems should never be ingested, as it can lead to harmful side effects.

Dandelions are also edible! The leaves are used commonly used in salads. Maybe a little more uncommon are the dandelion heads, the yellow flower can be breaded and fried, to make for a tasty treat!

Magical Uses: Dandelions are most commonly used in divination. One theory is that how ever many seeds are left after one blow, is how many children you will have. Another one, represents your relationship, if you blow, and all the seeds leave then your relationship will be strong. However, if many are left on, it is a sign that it may be fickle and disruptive.
It is also associated with wish spells. Make a wish, and blow all of the seeds out. The wind will carry your seeds out into the universe.
The steam from dandelion tea is also used to aide in the calling of spirits.

Random Information: Native Americans used Dandelion root to clense the liver, as well as to ensure healthy digestion.

 I have no medical degrees, and am not a doctor. Consult a physician before ingesting somthing new that you are unfamiliar with. These are my personal findings only. I do not reccommend using them until you have consulted your physician.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our Beltane!

Last night was my first time celebrating Beltane. It was also my first group ritual.
We arrived with apprehension. I was nervous, I didn't know what to expect.
Would there be weird chanting? 
Would it be lame? 
Would the people there be fake? 
What if they don't like me?

On top of it all, yesterday was miserable out, rainy, cloudy, and cold.
Luckily the rain cleared up, and stayed away for most of the night. With the exception of a light occasional drizzle.

We pulled up I saw some women dressed... interestingly. I didn't know why. I had looked up pictures of previous rituals, and NO ONE had looked like this! Add ten pounds to my nerves! We walked over and met the group.

Soon we found out that they were dressed like Fae. How appropriate.
The ritual was done as sort of a show, we went through the path, being greeted and tempted by Fae and answering their riddles. We called the elements to our sides, and the walk ended by walking through a "veil" at the top of the hill, where the circle was set up, with a fire in the center.

The night was much less cheesy after that. people danced around the fire. We toasted to the God and Goddess, and there was a maypole!

The May Pole was amazing, it was my first one ever. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

After the may pole we raised our arms and shouted our energy back into the universe. Followed by kneeling down and draining the last of it back into the earth.

My soul was so full by the time we left, I don't recall ever being that fulfilled after any type of religious ceremony ever.

Last night I knew for sure that I had finally come home.