Friday, May 4, 2012

Herbs A-Z : Dandelion


AKA: Blow-ball, Cankerwort, Wild Endive
Gender: Male
Element: Air
Planet: Jupiter

Mundane Uses: Dandelion root, is rich in potassium, iron, Sodium, and Calcium. As well as Vitamins A, B, C, and D. When made into a tea, it is commonly used as a digestive aid. It helps calm an upset stomach, and also aids in detoxifying the liver. The leaves act as a diuretic, which increases the amount of urine in an individuals body. 

The juice from dandelion stems can be applied to warts. In 2-3 days, the wart should dry up and fall off. However, juice from the stems should never be ingested, as it can lead to harmful side effects.

Dandelions are also edible! The leaves are used commonly used in salads. Maybe a little more uncommon are the dandelion heads, the yellow flower can be breaded and fried, to make for a tasty treat!

Magical Uses: Dandelions are most commonly used in divination. One theory is that how ever many seeds are left after one blow, is how many children you will have. Another one, represents your relationship, if you blow, and all the seeds leave then your relationship will be strong. However, if many are left on, it is a sign that it may be fickle and disruptive.
It is also associated with wish spells. Make a wish, and blow all of the seeds out. The wind will carry your seeds out into the universe.
The steam from dandelion tea is also used to aide in the calling of spirits.

Random Information: Native Americans used Dandelion root to clense the liver, as well as to ensure healthy digestion.

 I have no medical degrees, and am not a doctor. Consult a physician before ingesting somthing new that you are unfamiliar with. These are my personal findings only. I do not reccommend using them until you have consulted your physician.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I didn't know that the juice can rid one of warts! I might try that. I've had a wart since a child that just won't go away, even after being cut out, burned off, and carterized. Gonna go find me some dandies tomorrow! :) Thanks!
