Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Marigold Tea (part 1 - Theory)

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So this week, we planted several marigolds in the yard. I had heard they were good for keeping bugs at bay. I wanted to know a bit more, so today I did some research and found out that marigolds are also used to make tea.

Marigold tea is supposed to be excellent for cleansing and detoxing the body, as well as helping womens menstrual cycles regulate. This is also the tea to drink after surgery as it can be used as an anti-inflammatory and gives a boost to the immune system.

To make Marigold tea you need to:

-Harvest the flowers that have bloomed.
-Clean them by soaking them in hot water for at least 10 minutes.
-Dry them on a drying rack, or in the microwave. (Personally, I dry most things in the car on a paper bag, during a really hot day)

Once the flowers are dried you can make it like any other tea.

-Put 1 teaspoon of the dried flower per cup of tea.
-Put the tea in a metal tea ball.
-Steep in a cup of boiling hot water.

Magically marigolds are often associated with the fae.  On Beltane, it is said that to spray yourself over the eyes with marigold will give you the ability to see the fae and other magical creatures. For this reason it may be a good tea to drink when attempting to contact the other world, past the veil. Or perhaps you could leave it as an offering in your fairy garden?

It is also associated with prophecy, or clairvoyance so you could also try drinking it before bed, to help promote prophetic dreams. For some added oomph, you could even add a little squeeze of an orange, or lemon or even a dried rose petal.

Now I haven't tried this yet, and so I can't attest to its flavor. I plan to this weekend though. I will let you know in part two!

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