Saturday, April 21, 2012

10 days 'till beltane!

Beltane is just around the corner now. I am so excited.
This year we are going to go to a gathering a few towns over. The group is an earth centered spirituality group, which I think will blend together really well with my beliefs. Its based out of a Universalists Church, which I love. I used to attend one when I was younger, the amount of open love and acceptance you see there is amazing. Something I have rarely found attending Baptist Churches growing up.

So for those of you who aren't familiar Beltane is almost always a festival focused on fertility. Its the time when our mother goddess opens up and grants us with stong crops, healthy livestock, and maybe even a couple of beautiful babies being concieved ;) The festival goes back centuries, and lots off different goddesses and gods are given tribute on this night. Including Artemis, Bes, Baccus, Flora, Pan, Hera, and the list goes on.

The gather we are going to is going to have two large maypoles! I am stoked because I have never participated in a maypole dance before, though I have always wanted too.

I am also freaking out, because this will be my first pagan-centered event ever. I'm very private in my beliefs, and so this is a big deal to me.

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