Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Cleaning - A pagan perspective

Spring is upon us and that means it is time for SPRING CLEANING.

A few ideas.

Obviously use environmentally friendly, non-toxic cleaners. My cleaner of choice is vinegar water with a dash of mint, or rosemary... or maybe some crab apple flower essence in the case of something particularly dirty, or just plain and simple baking soda. This year I also made some Lemon Cleaner.

When you clean open as many doors and windows as you can. Cleaning stirs up dormant energies, and this way they have a place in which to go. You can also try clapping near an area you are about to clean, this will help wake up and prepare any "sleeping" energies. When I sweep I like to sweep the dirt out the front door as well (Please note : This is only Dirt! I do not sweep trash out the door.) .

Going through our possessions (at least) yearly is an huge, yet important task. If you are like me you might shop out of anxiety, or frustration. You may have been given gifts that no longer serve a purpose, or were given by someone no longer a part of your life (An ex-boyfriend, an friend you are no longer friendly with). You may have papers from work that are no longer needed, but remind you of work every time you see them. There are a million little things we accumulate over a year. And ALL of these things hold energy. Unwanted, and unnecessary energy.

When I look at financial papers from work I immediately feel more anxious that I had ten second previously. Its not the papers fault... Its just what the paper brings to mind, and that effects my energy in the moment. When I see items I purchased out of frustration, I feel FRUSTRATED. Why did I waste my money?! Did I really need that Extra Measuring cup that I have YET to use? No.

So we need to go through these things and dispose of them to help rid our homes of these energies, and make room for new more positive ones to enter. You can donate, and recycle. Give things to the neighbors who might find them useful.

The task of going through everything in your house may be daunting, but when it is done you will feel SO much better. Take it section by section so that you don't get overwhelmed. And don't expect it to be finished in a day.

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