Friday, June 15, 2012

My new "Shampoo"

Recently I challenged myself, I wanted to attempt to give up shampoo and switch over to washing my hair with Baking Soda and Vinegar. I kept putting it off and putting it off, but this week I finally said NO MORE and went ahead and tried it.

The results were awesome! My hair is just as clean as before, and now I don't have to worry about my body soaking up all of the awful chemicals that often go along with those "high grade" or even the cheap shampoos.

How does it work? 
Easy! I bought two bottles, they're the kind you can get for like a dollar at the store to put ketchup and mustard in. I put baking soda in one with enough water to make it in to a paste. Then in the other I put roughly 3 tablespoons of vinegar and filled with water.

I wash my hair with the baking soda, be mindful when doing this though, it doesn't lather quite like regular shampoo so you won't want to put a whole ton in one spot. Rub it in, let it sit for a minute or so and then rinse out. next take the vinegar bottle and apply some to the ends of your hair. Again, let it sit and then rinse it out. This acts as the conditioner.

Keep in mind, not everyone's hair is exactly the same, if it comes out greasy, try less vinegar, if it's to dry, you can try adding a bit of oil to the conditioner rinse. Olive Oil will work just fine.

When your hair is drying, it will feel different, I spent the whole first night freaking out. I almost jumped in and washed it with my old stuff. But I held strong! Once dry, and brushed, it looks and feels great,

There you have it, my new healthy hair wash!

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