Saturday, June 16, 2012

A day trip to the Gem Store.

Recently I acquired some unexpected cash. So I decided to take a trip to the gem store a few towns over. I needed to beef up my basically non-existent collection of stones!
Above is a picture of my completed purchase. 

Top- Stone Elephant, inside there is a baby elephant! You can't see it well in this picture though. I have a collection of elephants so I had to get this to add to it! It was surprisingly affordable, and I am not sorry I bought it.
First Row (top to bottom) - Green Moss Agate, Snowflake Obsidian, Tigers Eye, White Onyx
2nd row (") - Carnelian, Hematite, Iron Pyrite "fools Gold", Black Tourmaline
3rd Row ( " ) - Red Jasper, Amethyst, Moonstone, Rose Quartz,
4th row - Apache Tears, Sunstone

I had an awesome time. Though being in the store gave me a headache. Damn my empathetic self!  

Some side notes:

I didn't know Onyx came in white, I had always thought it was black. period. So I was pleasantly surprised to find this. I wasn't drawn to the black at all. In fact, I did pick it up several times, but ended up leaving without it. The white, however, sits with me nicely. 

I have heard Rose Quartz is typically hard to find, but I guess up in NH we are pretty abundant with it. Fools Gold is the same way, ridiculously easy to find, which is why I had to grab some! 

I grabbed a decent amount of Amethyst, both tumbled and rough, as well as a small sphere of it. Amethyst is my birthstone, so it has always held a special energy for me.

Moonstone is the other one I have a ton of, to represent Hecate, and I can't wait to put it on the altar I plan to make for her shortly!

Sunstone was awesome to find, and I put it right up on the altar I have dedicated to Gaia. I almost didn't notice it, until lovey pointed it out in a basket on the floor.

Apache Tears I had also never heard of before.. Aparently they are a type of obsidian, I grabbed them for what seemed like no reason, only later did I think it was my Native American Ancestors that were probably nudging me towards that one. They look black, but when held to the light, they are see through and appear almost amber. They do that even when untumbled, which I thought was neat. "Apache Tears have an uncanny ability to lend support during times of sorrow.  They will gently help one to accept and then release their grief, thereby releasing and removing blockages.  "

 Anywho.. enough rambling from me!

Do you have any special stones? 

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