Friday, April 27, 2012

Herbs A-Z : Chamomile


AKA: Ground Apple, Whig Plant, Maythen
Element : Water
Gender: Masculine

Mundane Uses:
Chamomile appears to contains chemicals that help promote relaxation and reduce inflamation, though researchers have yet to identify which chemical this is. It is often times used for common aches and pains such as menstral cramping, colic, and fibromyalgia.
It is also widely known for its aid in digestive complaints such as intestinal gas, nervous diarrhea, stomach ulcers and travel sickness.
Placing cool teabags on your skin or taking a bath filled with water and chamomile oil may assist in soothing skin disorders such as exzema, burns, and rashes.
Perhaps the most popular use of chamomile is for headaches, and sleep deprivation. It calms the nerves and reduces anxiety.

Magical Uses:
Magically, Chamomile is an herb commonly used for purification, and protection. To protect your home from phsychic or magical attacks sprinkle chamomile in the corners of you home.
It is also widely known as a calming aid, and can be used in an insence to assist in peaceful sleep and meditation.
Chamomile is also used for good luck. Gamblers have been known to wash their hands in chamomile tea before heading to the tables.

Random Facts:
Chamomile has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years.

 I have no medical degrees, and am not a doctor. Consult a physician before ingesting somthing new that you are unfamiliar with. These are my personal findings only. I do not reccommend using them until you have consulted your physician.

1 comment:

  1. I've hear chamomile tea is awesome yet I've never tried.
