Saturday, December 1, 2012

Yule and Christmas

Yule and Christmas, one of the biggest controversies in the community this time of year.

Yes, I understand the whole "Christians stole december, yada yada... boo hoo." I also understand, that as a pagan, maybe this should upset me a bit more, but it doesn't.

We try to pretend that most Christians don't know the reason Christmas is celebrated in December, and thats just not true anymore. Most of them understand that Jesus wasn't born in december. What it really comes down to now, is TRADITION. Traditionally, for hundreds of years, that is when and how, and the way they have celebrated it, and you are probably not going to change that. Why would you want to? It doesn't bother me. Honestly, it just makes the world extra pretty for me to look at, with everyone putting up their sparkly decorations.

No, I don't appreciate pagan bashing and I will say Happy Holidays, instead of Blessed Yule, to avoid some conflict. I am not ashamed.  (though, Happy Holidays can sometimes get you in just as much trouble!)

This post is coming off much harder than I anticipated. I have just been so flustered lately, I hesitate even going to my facebook, because I KNOW there are going to be negative posts from both sides of the Fence. My Christian friends complaining that Christmas is being destroyed by the term "Happy Holidays" And My pagan friends complaingin that our holiday was stolen, and christians are arrogant bigots. It gets old.

What a beautiful time of year it is, why can't we all just get along? Appreciate the beauty around us. Accept that no one path is the "perfect" path.

I will end this rant, before I waste to much time, but I will leave you with this...

Have a Blessed Solstice, And May your Christmas, and New Year be just as bright.
I for one, will be celebrating them both. To appease both myself, and my Christian relatives.

Bright Blessings to All,
May the God and Goddess be ever present in your lives,

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