Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Tribute to Hestia

So, my family is coming over for Thanksgiving. WONDERFUL! (please, note sarcasm)
We originally were supposed to be going to my brothers, which was great, because if it got to overwhelming, I could just leave. But at the last minute things changed, so it's now going to be hosted here.
Its going to include a whole mesh of people, who don't really get along. So I decided to get the jump on Mojo-ing my house with feel good vibes. Much of it includes cleaning, with specific essences and oils, smudging, and all that. But I also decided to pay tribute to Hestia, Goddess of Hearth and Home, in the hopes that she will help me maintain the peace.

This is the altar I put together in her honor, it sits above our woodstove.

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